Monday, March 8, 2010

Spread Sheets!

I wish I could say I love spreadsheets but I can’t even say I like them. Besides, I think over 7,000 rows of data is a bit much to sort through. Funny thing was that I found a Staples “easy” button lying on my desk. Much to my dismay it didn’t work so there I sat looking at a long list of business with licenses from the city and a sales tax audit. So what must I do with this you may ask? I’m not entirely sure myself. My guess is my work will serve several purposes. One, provide an assessment of business paying sales taxes but don’t have a business license with the city. Two, provide an assessment of businesses with licenses who may not be paying sales taxes to the city. Also, determine those businesses who may just be avoiding paying taxes and renewing their business license.

This project is just for starters. I have several other tasks on my list including wrapping up a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan and some additional work for the PD. There’s never a dull moment for me as much as I really want one every now and then.

Besides work, I completed my capstone class (PAF 509) this weekend. I am glad to be that much closer to graduation.


  1. I loathe excel spreadsheets. Seriously loathe. I think I would rather pluck out each eyelash that deal with excel. I really despise it. Don't worry, it will all be over for you soon and someone else will have to pick up the slack!

  2. Congrats on the capstone! What else are you doing for the police?

  3. Daniel, you should not hate things that are helpful. HAHA. I enjoy spreadsheets myself. It is Access and building databases which I cannot stand. Good job on your 509. Your presentation was excellent.
